We advise people regularly on how to overcome the anticipated / related heightened state of anxiety, sleepless nights, all of which are completely expected and understandable.
Our Top Tips to be Prepared:
1. Stay Connected – with industry experts, professional colleagues and people who inspire and inform the market you work in/ business in general.
2. Job search – Limit Time Spent on job sites/ online platforms of up to a maximum of 2 hours) hour per day to apply for roles, be visible on social media and check email responses.
3. Create Focus & Routine – Have a plan for your days and keep your mind and body active – including exercise , which will help to alleviate stress and release endorphins.
4. Enjoy Some Personal Time – Reconnect with family and friends, give your time to someone else, start a project you have been meaning to kick off and take a short break away if you can do so.
5. Give Yourself a Realistic Timeline and Expectations – Remember that finding a new role may take longer than you think and the more senior you are, the more time this may take and processes may be longer for selection so realistically prepare in advance to always have a rainy day fund to limit the financial pressure in these instances and have a buffer for 3-6 months.
6. Don’t Settle/ Undervalue Your Worth – Sometimes it can be tempting to be swayed by an offer because things a little quiet and because you are concerned that an aligned offer may not happen anytime soon. Whilst everyone’s personal circumstances are different and you need to account for your own, remember your worth, take expert advice and if the right permanent opportunity is not available just now and you need to financially get moving, then consider a short term contract versus accepting an offer that does not take you forward in your career/ sideways at the very least, where you will add value, be in stretch and join an organisation that aligns to your core desirables, values and future focus.
7. Try to De- Personalise Rejections – No one likes to receive a rejection email/ call and is always a blow after time invested. Try and make any response an opportunity for growth and learning and do not be afraid to ask for specifics, especially where you have been interviewed, then critical to receive constructive feedback that may assist you for the next one.If you do not hear back from a recruiter/ organisation, then this is not about you and clearly reflective of their failings and process so remember this and move on as this will ultimately be their loss.( everyone deserves courtesy and communication throughout these processes , however this is not always the experience people receive).
8. Take a Breath and Remind Yourself of your commercial value, expertise and that you will be longing for another break soon when you are in that next big role! Remember to have your go to person ready when you need a power/ confidence boost, over coffee, when you have that inevitable ‘bad day’ and someone that will reinvigorate you for the week ahead.
Remember that Change is uncomfortable and it is constant so preparing for this and having a mindset and some safe guards in place, may just reduce the pressure, in the event you find yourself looking for another role, at a time that you do not necessarily chose to do so.
For advice or support with your next steps or to discuss how you, as an employer, access talent with these top attributes – reach out today and contact us.
Michelle & Wayne are Co-Directors and Founders of Fusion Partners, delivering consulting and recruitment services.