1. Resilience:
With business becoming more competitive, involved in global markets, moving at faster pace, with change the new norm, this is a critical and highly desired attribute for all employers and the top trait we are asked for at all levels. https://hbr.org/2016/06/627-building-resilience-ic-5-ways-to-build-your-personal-resilience-at-work
2. EQ:
Whilst employers may at times struggle to define what this looks like, the ability to seek to understand first, listen and actively engage with people at all levels, consider thinking before sharing this and build meaningful and value added relationships in business are all encompasses in this one highly sought attribute and top of mind for employers right now. https://fusionpartners.co.nz/communicate-with-eq-impact/
3. Empathy in Leadership:
People work for people and organisations are now understanding the importance of leaders who can lead with care and a view of people’s holistic needs. Leaders who are both technically competent and able to display genuine interest and care for those they lead are in high demand and in fact this trait is a key factor in who stand out at a senior level , where all applicants brings exceptional experience, however this is often what is referred to, along with EQ, when employers talk about ‘ finding the right fit’ and ‘leaders who inspire and take people on the journey with them and the organisation.’ https://fusionpartners.co.nz/developing-empathy-can-you-walk-in-anothers-shoes/
4. Collaboration:
With regimented hierarchies and old styles of leadership becoming obselete, the ability to work cross functionally and with less emphasis on roles and more focus on outcomes and how to achieve these, this attribute is a worthy number 4 on our list!
Collaborative cultures are becoming the new norm and those who wish to function as individual contributors and struggle to work as part of a wider team may find it more challenging to get to the top of those short lists.
This is not to say that individual contributors are not needed but a wider connection to the business, peers and sharing ideas is certainly an attribute employers want to see demonstrated from the get go! https://www.greatplacetowork.com/resources/blog/how-to-create-a-culture-of-collaboration-in-the-workplace
For advice or support with your next steps or to discuss how you, as an employer, access talent with these top attributes – reach out today and contact us
Michelle & Wayne are Co-Directors and Founders of Fusion Partners, delivering consulting and recruitment services.