As leaders the spotlight is always on you, with those you lead and others looking to you as a gage on culture, acceptable and promoted behaviours, approach, language/ communication and overall body language. Whether it is as subtle as a yawn in a meeting, a glance upwards during a …
How to have Brave/ Honest Performance Improvement Discussions:
Whether you are a fan of PIP’s or not, the key reason we believe Performance Improvement Plans fail is the absence of a culture which promotes Open, Honest, Transparent and Adult conversations and as a result sets individual’s up for success. Creating …
How To Create More Momentum By Slowing Down
Yes you heard that right ! Sometimes we need to slow down our thinking and actions to move faster forward. In a fast paced business world, we can often forget how important taking time to undertake deep thinking, strategy, analysis and to be in a creative mindset truly are and scheduling time to …