Yes you heard that right ! Sometimes we need to slow down our thinking and actions to move faster forward. In a fast paced business world, we can often forget how important taking time to undertake deep thinking, strategy, analysis and to be in a creative mindset truly are and scheduling time to …
The Art of Being Articulate
In our roles as Directors, Senior Leaders and at all levels - the ability to clearly and concisely articulate our own value, strategy and execution of these plans and to take others on the journey, influencing, building understanding and relationships and ensuring that others have connection and …
Triage TipsĀ for Business Leaders from the Emergency Room
For those of you who don't know this about me, I was once upon a time, an Emergency Nurse, for many years before launching into leading search and recruitment businesses and ultimately co-founding Fusion Partners, six years ago. Emergency Nursing/ Emergency Medicine teaches some fundamental …