We all want to start a new year with vigour and higher energy than when we left for our December holidays, however often people feel at their very lowest around a week after returning to work after a summer vacation. There may be an overwhelming sense of deja vu and the same things you felt that …
What is in a Job Title?
Resist the urge to move or make a decision on a new role, based on title alone and more importantly ask yourself the following questions, as starting point for successful and strategic career moves: Job titles are so variable and whilst what you have on a CV may help transactional recruitment …
Two of the Most Undervalued Leadership Attributes:
As Leaders we have a responsibility to create a safe environment for people to show up to and work in, and this includes the ability to voice opinions and concerns, and thinking without fear of judgement, negative impacts or treatment as a result. Consistency & Openness to …