The choice is yours..
2020, wow! What a year we have experienced. Most of us will have struggled in some way or another, with fear and anxiety around our jobs, business, financials, lifestyle or general uncertainty related to the world around us and current and future impacts for all.
Whilst completely understandable to fear the unknown and have heighted risk aversion, in fact, this is the time to build our resilience, fortitude and develop a new relationship with the unknown, potential risk and adapt our response, adopting optimism as a key strategy for wellbeing and success.
Lockdown was a useful time for many individuals and businesses to reflect and consider what it most important in life and we have seen this translate into new career paths being explored, brave new steps taken and for some, a change in the way they wish to work and live, with a focus on maintaining flex, remote working and a more fluid way of operating in business.
So all good and well.. you may say.. but how do I start to do just this?
1. Acknowledge and Define Fears/ Anxieties: First – take time to reflect and understand where the root cause of your anxiety lies and how this may be creating barriers for you? Is this driven by uncertainty or about your lack of control with current circumstances? Write these down and discuss with someone you feel comfortable. Establish what is factual versus perceived or perhaps not likely, and which of these things you can in fact gain some control around or take actions that will provide you with a sense of comfort around these concerns. Assess what would happen if you push through these concerns/ self-imposed barriers and visualise the potential optimistic outcomes.
2. Visualise the Worst Case Scenario. Ask yourself what will happen if this in fact comes to be a reality and what this will look like? Then ask yourself how you would adapt, or things that you could change to offset this or address such a reality? Make a list of the things that you can control and those you cannot and then focus on the things you can affect and consider practical steps to do so. Re-visualise how that will impact your success, control and possible new doors this could present as options. Whether this be for your career, family and personal/career goals.
3. Optimism – Choose a Positive Mindset: Have you ever noticed that when you shift your focus to others or to your role, team, family and the like, it often takes your mind away from lamenting on negative thoughts and anxieties? By shifting your focus and adopting a positive mindset, putting yourself in other’s shoes and then reflecting on your own situation. Things will often look quite differently and you will decrease your fears and frustrations around current challenges and start to look forward, with optimism. Have you ever heard the phrase ‘fake it till you make it? ‘ This is true in that human psychology dictates that if we smile at others, they will instinctively smile back and if we support a colleague with a task or buy them a coffee, they will express gratitude and usually repay the favour in some way. This positive reciprocity spreads optimism and supports mood enhancement and reduced anxiety.
4. Career & Economy: Whilst it may seem a scary time to dip your toes in the water for that next step or opportunity, remember that in fact, some businesses are going through significant growth and others transforming the way they work. This coupled with unnavigated waters ahead, mean that there has never been a time where businesses need incredible talent in their organisations. Our borders are closed and NOW is the time for Kiwi talent to shine & demonstrate what we can impact, innovate and create! Yes we are in uncertain times but in these times comes Kiwi ingenuity, the ability to pivot and adapt and YES… take some risks, try some new things and take on a new challenge for 2021 NOW!
Michelle & Wayne are Directors/ Founders of Fusion Partners, specialising in Senior Leadership Search, Recruitment Services, Business Coaching & Consulting.